
目前顯示的是 4月, 2023的文章
水是宇宙中最多的化合物,宇宙元素數量最多的三種是氫氦氧,數量比大約是1200:100:1,其他重元素數量都不多,排行老四的碳數量約為氧的2/3弱。 有的書會寫這些元素的質量比,只要乘上各個元素的原子量1:4:16:12即可。 氫、氦主要來自大霹靂後的產物,其他重元素主要來自恆星演化、死亡後,由核心噴發出來的殘骸、遺物,數量才會遠少於宇宙早期的原住民。 氫、氧都是活性很高的元素,一接觸就火花四射,合成比較穩定的水,如果溫度、環境適合,水是宇宙數量最多的化合物一點也不奇怪。 有人說生命三元素是陽光、空氣、水,這三樣都和氫、氦、氧的親戚,而水不但數量龐大,也是最神奇的化合物。 水的循環是生態多樣化的保姆,水可以腐蝕、切割地表最頑強的物質,水可以載舟、也可以覆舟,水是生命的祝福,也是宇宙最強悍的英雄。 水的數量龐大,而且有能力翻雲覆雨、毀天滅地,但是太平盛世時就像溫柔的陽光輕撫,讓人誤以為可以對水為所欲為,就像獅子獵殺數量龐大的水牛群。一旦水牛被惹惱了,一旦水牛知道可以團結圍攻獅子,獅群很快就會滅絕。 水牛要團結、團結真有力。水要覺醒、要團結,要知道自己是偉大的一氧化二氫。
  nobody understands quantum mechanics
 insuna na binkesan 祖靈的氣息
James  Marshall,  the president of the  United States of America, acted by Harrison Ford in Air Force 1 addressing on the military mission capturing the  General Radek (the dictator of a rogue  neo-Soviet  regime in  Kazakhstan).  https://youtu.be/0oGFeSCwYEQ https://youtu.be/kjOZokqiPaA The Speech: The dead remember our indifference.  The dead remember our silence. I came here tonight to be congratulated.  But today, when I visited  the Red Cross camps... overwhelmed by the flood of refugees... fleeing from the horror of Kazakhstan... I realized I don't  deserve to be congratulated.  None of us do. What's he doing?  Let's speak the truth.  The truth is, we acted too late.  Only when our own national  security was threatened...  did we act. Radek's regime murdered over  200,000 men, women and children...  and we watched it on TV.  We let it happen.  People were being  slaughtered for over a year... and we issued economic sanctions  and hid behind the rhetoric of diploma
⺠ 國 8 2 年 6 月 1 9 日 改 寫 。 原住大安區 臨江里12鄰通化街 101 巷 52 號 ⺠國 59年2 月2 7 日遷人。 原中正路247號 ⺠國59年7月1日改編。 原住本區冨全里2鄰八德路四段589號 ⺠國60年9月22日住變。 原住本區豐祿里7鄰八德路四段629號 ⺠國65年6月29日住變。 原松山區四維里29鄰虎林街60巷28號  ⺠國79年3月12日行政區域調整變更為信義區四育里16鄰。
考試的目的只是想確認同學瞭解試題的內容與試題的物理,同學可以尋求任何協助回答問題,只要是自己寫下自己懂的即可。 助教會先檢查一下答案,老師再做詳閱,請務必自己解題,不要和其他同學解答重複、雷同,減少助教的困擾。 繳交報告後可以和同學討論,但是不要直接將自己的報告交給同學,也可以找以前修過課的同學討論、求教,但是不能要答案卷,或直接抄襲。 萬一同學抄襲你的報告,被學校發現可能會被認定作弊,萬一同學拒絕修改 或讓老師找不到人,甚至咬定他是原創、是你抄襲,(記住,抄襲和繳交時間順序無關)這樣會說不清楚受到連累,而且協助同學作弊也是作弊,提醒同學務必留意。 看完考卷,也請同學協助回答連結的問卷調查,謝謝。 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfyQOxTFqNJ-WMK0uHDEZXSEm_FVlOP0Zp04Bcs14nIAcxZGg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0 The purpose of the exam is to make sure you understand the problems. It doesn't matter how you manage to understand the problems as long as you know the physics behind them. The teaching assistant will check the answers first, and then I will grade them in detail. Please make sure to solve the problems by yourself and not duplicate or plagiarize the answers of other classmates to reduce the TA's workload. After submitting the report, you can discuss it with your classmates, but do not share your report with them directly. You can also discuss or seek a

The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2022

  The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2022 https://www.worldnuclearreport.org/The-World-Nuclear-Industry-Status-Report-2022-HTML.html
 C osmology Student Survey Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback will help us improve our class on cosmology. What motivated you to take this class on cosmology? How familiar were you with the subject of cosmology before taking this class? How would you rate the difficulty level of the class? How effective was the course material in explaining the concepts of cosmology? What aspects of the course did you find most interesting or engaging? Were the assignments and assessments relevant to the course material? Were the assignments and assessments helpful in deepening your understanding of the subject matter? How would you rate the quality of instruction in this class? Were there any areas where you felt the class could have been improved? Would you recommend this class to other students interested in cosmology? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is valuable to us. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. The fo
  Dear All, We would like to hear your thoughts on your experience in our cosmology class. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey form. Your responses will help us improve the course for future students. How would you rate the overall quality of the course? A. Excellent B. Good C. Fair D. Poor How organized and well-structured was the course? A. Very organized and well-structured B. Moderately organized and well-structured C. Somewhat disorganized and poorly structured D. Very disorganized and poorly structured How helpful were the course materials, such as the lecture note and video recordings? A. Extremely helpful B. Moderately helpful C. Somewhat unhelpful D. Not helpful at all How effective was the instructor in conveying the material? A. Extremely effective B. Moderately effective C. Somewhat ineffective D. Completely ineffective How often did you feel challenged in the course? A. Very often B. Moderately often C. Occasionally D. Rarely How often did you feel lost or co

A-Wimoweh A-Wimoweh / hakuna matata

the lion sleeps tonight    A-Wimoweh A-Wimoweh a mishearing of the chorus of 'uyimbube' (meaning "he is a lion" in Zulu) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lion_Sleeps_Tonight   hakuna matata    Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze It means no worries For the rest of your days It's our problem-free philosophy Hakuna Matata! Why, when he was a young warthog When I was a young wart-hoooog! Very nice! Thanks! He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal He could clear the Savannah after every meal I'm a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinned And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind And oh, the shame (He was ashamed!) Thought of changin' my name (Oh, what's in a name?) And I got downhearted (How did you feel?) Every time that I- Pumbaa! Not in front of the kids! Oh... sorry Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze It means no worries For the rest of your days Yeah