

Dear All,

We would like to hear your thoughts on your experience in our cosmology class. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey form. Your responses will help us improve the course for future students.

  1. How would you rate the overall quality of the course? A. Excellent B. Good C. Fair D. Poor

  2. How organized and well-structured was the course? A. Very organized and well-structured B. Moderately organized and well-structured C. Somewhat disorganized and poorly structured D. Very disorganized and poorly structured

  3. How helpful were the course materials, such as the lecture note and video recordings? A. Extremely helpful B. Moderately helpful C. Somewhat unhelpful D. Not helpful at all

  4. How effective was the instructor in conveying the material? A. Extremely effective B. Moderately effective C. Somewhat ineffective D. Completely ineffective

  5. How often did you feel challenged in the course? A. Very often B. Moderately often C. Occasionally D. Rarely

  6. How often did you feel lost or confused in the course? A. Very often B. Moderately often C. Occasionally D. Rarely

  7. How well did the course meet your expectations? A. Exceeded my expectations B. Met my expectations C. Partially met my expectations D. Did not meet my expectations

  8. What suggestions do you have for improving the course?