Reggie Warrington:
Whoo-whoo! It's a full moon tonight! I think I found what had hit Jimmy Hoffer! Boy, you got more crack than Harlem!Reggie Warrington:
Oh, look at this, he' with a woman too! Oh, no! Who's sucking who's titties over here?! Last time he got a breast, it was in a bucket of KFC! Extra Krispy! Every time he goes to sea world, they tame him! He must be on that new diet, Slim Slow! He go outside with a red shirt on, all the kids in the neighborhood shout "Hey! Kool Aid!" Yeah, man! I bet I cut his fat ass open, he'll bleed chocolate milk! What would you do for a Klondike bar?! Now we know what's been eating Gilbert Grape, don't we?!
- Why, thank you. Thank you very much. I'm glad you appreciate Reggie's show.
- That'd even work with me doing it to you, Reggie. Yes, it would.
- If I would say, look at Reggie's gums and teeth. Looks like his mother had an affair with Mister Ed.
- Look what I'm doing, Wilbur. Look at me!
- You snapping on me? Are you snapping on Reggie?
- It's your teeth, I don't know whether to smile at you or kick a field goal, man.
- Hey, Reggie! It's good! It's all good!
- Breath smell like shit. Do you smell shit? I smell shit!
- Oh, you done did it now, boy!
Buddy Love: What's wrong with that breath? I can smell it over here! Reggie, your breath is so stinky, people look forward to your farts. Breath smells like shit! Do you smell shit?
Buddy Love: I SMELL SHIT!
Buddy Love: [making fun of Reggie's hair] Reggie, I heard of dreadlocks, but shitlocks? That ain't you hair, man. Take that pile of shit off your head.
Buddy Love: [to Reggie] Ok, fat jokes! You wanna do fat jokes?
[Buddy stands up]
Buddy Love: Alright!
[Buddy claps his hands once]
Buddy Love: Your mother's so fat, the bitch needs Thomas Guide to find her asshole!
[everyone in the room, except Reggie, roars with laughter]
Buddy Love: Alright! Wait, wait, wait, your mother's so fat, after sex I roll over twice, and I'm still on the bitch!
[everyone, except Reggie, laughs louder]
Buddy Love: [to Reggie] Your mother is so fat, she fell in the Grand Canyon and got stuck!
[everyone, except Reggie, laughs even louder]
Buddy Love: Reggie's mother's so fat, that the bitch gets her toenails painted at Earl Scheib!
[everyone in the room, except Reggie, loudly roars with laughter. Buddy climbs onto the stage]
Buddy Love: [walking past Reggie] Earl Scheib! At Earl Scheib!
Buddy Love: Reggie's momma is so fat... the bitch's belt size is equator!
Buddy Love:
Oh, Reggie! I've heard of "Dreadlocks", but "Shitlocks?!" That's not your hair! Take that pile of sh*t off your head, man! You've going too far with the comedy!
這是 nutty professor 裡,Eddie Murphy 和 Jada (主要是生氣或笑不可支的臉部演出)在秀場和 Dave 的兩段經典互動,雖然這是演戲,但是卻很鮮活的重製常見脫口秀的場面,看別人的笑話時會開口笑,玩笑燒到自己時通常都笑得很尷尬。導演多少有提醒拿別人的身體開玩笑不可取,只是呈現的方式可能還是相當不可取,畢竟觀眾笑得開心之後,可能也沒有看到重點。