Oscars: Read Chris Rock’s Opening Monologue on 88th Oscars

Though host Chris Rock may have chosen to stay silent on the #OscarsSoWhitecontroversy in the days leading up to the the 88th annual Academy Awards, he held nothing back on the Dolby stage on Sunday night.

In his opening monologue, Rock took aim at a slew of hot topics in Hollywood, including #AskHerMore, the lack of diversity among this year’s nominees and the numerous Hollywood stars, such as Spike Lee and Jada Pinkett Smith, who called for a boycott of the Oscars.

“Why this Oscars? It’s the 88th Academy Awards, which means this whole ‘no black nominees’ thing has happened at least 71 other times,” Rock said as he opened the show.

Chris Rock's Opening Monologue - 77th Annual Academy Awards


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