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Physical Review Papers 


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Selected Publications 編輯頁

  • W.F. Kao,  Scalar tensor theory and the anisotropic perturbations of the inflationary universe; The European Physical Journal C10.1140/epjc/s10052-009-1176-y,
  • W.F. Kao and Ing-Chen Lin, Anisotropically Inflating Universes in a scalar tensor theory, Phys. Rev. D79  (2009) 043001; 
  • W.F. Kao and Ing-Chen Lin, Stability conditions for the Bianchi type II anisotropically inflating Universes, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, JCAP01(2009)022,
  • W.F. Kao, Anisotropic perturbation of de Sitter space, The European Physical Journal C53 (2008) 87; DOI:10.1140/epjc/s10052-007-0430-4;
  • W.F. Kao, Kaluza-Klein Higher Derivative Induced Gravity, Class. Quantum Grav., 24 (2007) 4295;
  • W.F. Kao, Anisotropic higher derivative gravity and inflationary universe, Phys. Rev. D 74, 043522 (2006),hep-th/0605208:
  • Chiang-Mei Chen, W.F. Kao; Stability of the Anisotropic Brane Cosmology, CJP, 42 (2004) 45; hep-th/0201188,
  • Chiang-Mei Chen, T. Harko, W. F. Kao and M. K. Mak, Rotational perturbations of high density matter in the brane cosmology, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 11 (2003) 005, hep-th/0208033
  • Chiang-Mei Chen, T. Harko, W. F. Kao, M. K. Mak, Rotational Perturbations of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Type Brane-World Cosmological Models, Nucl. Phys. B636 (1-2) (2002) pp. 159-178,  hep-th/0201012 [abspspdfother] ; 
  • W.F. Kao, P.G. Luan, D.H. Lin, Semiclassical Quantization for the Spherically Symmetric Systems under an Aharonov-Bohm magnetic flux, Phys. Rev. A65 (2002) 052108;  quant-ph/0112174[abs],
  • W. F. Kao, G.-L. Lin, J.-J. Tseng, On Analytic Properties of the Photon Polarization Function in a Background Magnetic Field, Phys. Lett. B522 (2001) 257; hep-ph/0109002,  Erratum-ibid.B541:411,2002.
  • Chiang-Mei Chen, W.F. Kao, Stability Analysis of Anisotropic Inflationary Cosmology, Phys. Rev. D64 (2001) 124019hep-th/0104101,
  • W.F. Kao, Bianchi type I space and the stability of inflationary Friedmann-Robertson-Walker space, Phys. Rev. D64 (2001) 107301; hep-th/0104166,  
  • W.F. Kao, Ue-Li Pen, Pengjie Zhang, Friedmann Equation and Stability of Inflationary Higher Derivative Gravity; Phys. Rev. D63, (2001) 127301gr-qc/9911116;

  • W. F. Kao, Guey-Lin Lin, Jie-Jun Tseng, A new look at the pair-production width in a strong magnetic field; Phys. Lett. B495 (2000) 105hep-ph/0008240;
  • Tzuu-Kang Chyi, Chien-Wen Hwang, W. F. Kao, Guey-Lin Lin, Kin-Wang Ng, Jie-Jun Tseng, The weak-field expansion for processes in a homogeneous background magnetic field, Phys. Rev. D62 (2000) 105014hep-th/9912134;  
  • W.F. Kao, Kaluza-Klein Induced Gravity Inflation, Phys. Rev. D62 (2000) 084009hep-th/0003153
  • W.F. Kao, Inflationary Universe in Higher Derivative Induced Gravity, Phys. Rev. D62 (2000) 087301hep-th/0003206
  • W.F. Kao,Higher Derivative Weyl Gravity, Phys. Rev. D61(2000) 047501;
  • W.F. Kao, Magnetic Monopole In Induced Einstein-Yang-Mills Models, Phys. Rev. D61(2000)044004;
  • Tzuu-Kang Chyi, Chien-Wen Hwang, W. F.Kao, Guey-Lin Lin, Kin-Wang Ng, Jie-Jun Tseng, Neutrino-photon scattering and its crossed processes in a background magnetic fieldPhys. Letts. B466 (1999) 274-80;
  • W.F. Kao, Shih-Yuin Lin, On Metric Dependence of Vilkovisky-DeWitt Effective Potential, MPL A13 (1998) 2111-16   
  • W.B.Dai,W.F.Kao,Shang-Yung Wang, Magnetically Charged Black Holes In Induced Gravity,CJP, 36(1998)693-704   
  • W.F. Kao, W.B. Dai, Shang Yuun Wang, Tzuu-Kang Chi and Shi-Yuun Lin,1996, Induced Einstein-Kalb-Ramond Theory and The Black Hole, Phys. Rev. D53, 2244-47,   
  • W.F. Kao, Shi-Yuun Lin and Tzuu-Kang Chi, 1996, Weyl Invariant Black Hole, Phys. Rev. D53, 1955-1962   
  • W.F.Kao, 1993, Torsion, Compactification and Inflation, Phys. Rev. D47, 3639-3642,   
  • W.F.Kao, 1992, Induced Einstein-Kalb-Ramond Theory in Four Dimension, Phys. Rev. D46, 5421-5428   
  • W.F.Kao and Ue-Li Pen, 1991, Generalized Friedmann-Robertson-Walker Metric and Reduddancy in Generalized Einstein Equation, Phys. Rev. D44, 3974-3977   
  • W.F.Kao, 1991, Ansatz and Consistency, Can. J. Phys. 69, 1383-1387   
  • W.F. Kao, 1991, Scale Invariance and Inflation, Phys. Lett. 154A, 1-4   
  • W.F.Kao, 1991, Gauge Symmetry in Spinor Space, Mod. Phys. Lett. 31A, 2855-2859   
  • W.F.Kao, 1990, Wilson Loop and Contour Shapes, Phys. Rev. D42, 4159-4164   
  • W.F.Kao, 1990, Inflationary Solution in Weyl Invariant Theory, Phys. Lett. 149A, 76-78   

  • W.F.Kao, Q.Park and H.J.Schnitzer, 1988, Low Energy Effective Action, to Two Loop Order, from Compactification of Closed Bose Strings, Phys. Lett. 200B, 53-58;
  • W.F.Kao and H.J.Schnitzer, 1988, Weak Radiative Decays in the Skyrme Model, Phys. Rev. D37, 1912-1922   
  • W.F.Kao and H.J.Schnitzer, 1987, Skyrme Model Predictions for Weak Radiative Decays of Baryons, Phys. Lett. 183B, 361-365   
  • K.L. Chang and W.F. Kao, 1983, Dyon Charge Conjugation In Weinberg-Salam’s Theory, C. J. P., Vol. 21, No. 3,4, (1983) 1.

Textbooks : 

  • 108課綱課本
  • 普通型高級中學物理全一冊,高文芳、張明哲、陳正源、陳其威、張弘,三民書局,2019;
  • 普通型高級中學自然科學領域選修物理I,高文芳、張明哲、陳正源、陳其威、楊才民、楊宗侃,三民書局,2021;
  • 普通型高級中學自然科學領域選修物理II,高文芳、張明哲、陳正源、陳其威、楊才民、楊宗侃,三民書局,2021;
  • 普通型高級中學自然科學領域選修物理III,高文芳、張明哲、陳其威,、陳智勝,三民書局,2022;
  • 普通型高級中學自然科學領域選修物理IV,高文芳、張明哲、李泱寰、黃信雄、楊宗侃,三民書局,2022;
  • 普通型高級中學自然科學領域選修物理V,高文芳、張明哲、陳智勝、黃信雄,三民書局,2022;
  • 普通型高中自然科探究與實作共同基礎篇──我的校園科學地圖,高文芳;邱美虹;于宏燦;許瑛玿;陳其威;張弘;吉佛慈;曾茂仁;于小雅;汪惠玲;王光正-編著,三民書局,2020;
  • 普通型高中自然科探究與實作主題探究篇── 一定要面對的能源真相,高文芳、陳其威、張弘,三民書局,2020;

  •  編輯科普讀物
  •  蔚為奇談!宇宙人的天文百科主編高文芳;張祥光 , 三民書局; 2019

  • 99課綱課本
  • 高中基礎物理二A, 高涌泉、 高文芳、林秀豪、張明哲、閔振發、楊樹基、蔡榮泰,龍騰出版社, 2011;
  • 高中基礎物理二B(上),高涌泉、高文芳、林秀豪、張明哲、閔振發、楊樹基、蔡榮泰,龍騰出版社, 2011;
  • 高中基礎物理二B(下),高涌泉、高文芳、林秀豪、張明哲、閔振發、楊樹基、蔡榮泰,龍騰出版社, 2011
  • 高中選修物理(上),高涌泉、高文芳、林秀豪、張明哲、楊樹基、蔡榮泰,龍騰出版社, 2012;
  • 高中選修物理(下),高涌泉、高文芳、林秀豪、張明哲、楊樹基、蔡榮泰,龍騰出版社, 2012;

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