"It was the best of times, 👍
it was the worst of times, 👎

it was the age of wisdom, 💡
it was the age of foolishness, 🥚

it was the epoch of belief, 🙏
it was the epoch of incredulity, 🤔️❓

it was the season of Light, ✨
it was the season of Darkness, 🌧️

it was the spring of hope, 🌼❤️
it was the winter of despair, ❄️😥

we had everything before us, 🌝月亮
we had nothing before us, 🌙

we were all going direct to Heaven, 👼 
we were all going direct the other way 🔥

--in short, 
the period was so far like the present period 
that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, 

for good or for evil, 
in the superlative degree of comparison only."

A Tale of Two Cities, Dickens.

氦的發現與回收 氦是 1868 年天文學家觀測日食時的太陽光譜線時,意外發現的新元素,以太陽神 Helios 命名為 Helium ,也能突顯氦元素發現的曲折歷史。 氦元素質量比大氣主要氣體分子氮和氧輕很多,只要從石油或岩層溢出,就能輕易的飄到地球大氣層上方。雖然只有少數地表...