2021 電影


 Don’t look up


Kate Dibiasky, a Michigan State University astronomy PhD student doing work with the Subaru Telescope, discovers a previously unknown near-Earth object. Her professor, Dr. Randall Mindy, calculates that the comet will impact Earth in about six months, and is large enough to cause a planet-wide extinction eventNASA internally confirms Mindy's calculations. Accompanied by NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office head Dr. Teddy Oglethorpe, Dibiasky and Mindy present their findings to the White House but are met with apathy from President Janie Orlean and her son, Chief of Staff Jason Orlean. Oglethorpe urges Dibiasky and Mindy to leak the news to the media, which they do on a morning talk show hosted by Brie Evantee and Jack Bremmer. When the hosts do not take the threat seriously, Dibiasky loses her composure and rants about the threat, prompting widespread online mockery. Dibiasky's boyfriend publicly denounces her, while Mindy receives public approval. The actual news about the comet's threat receives little public attention. Furthermore, the threat of the comet is publicly denied by Orlean's Director of NASA, a top donor to Orlean with no background in astronomy.

When Orlean is involved in a sex scandal, she diverts attention and improves her approval ratings by confirming the threat of the comet and announcing a project to launch a spacecraft that can strike and divert the comet using nuclear weapons. The spacecraft successfully launches, but is forced to turn back by Orlean when Peter Isherwell, the billionaire CEO of BASH and another of Orlean's top donors, discovers that the comet is composed of trillions of dollars' worth of rare-earth elements. The White House agrees to commercially exploit the comet by fragmenting and recovering it from the ocean using new technology proposed by BASH's Nobel Laureates that has not undergone scholarly peer review. The White House sidelines Dibiasky and Oglethorpe, while hiring Mindy as the National Science Advisor. Dibiasky reveals the government's plan to let the comet hit Earth, sparking riots worldwide. Orlean's administration threatens Dibiasky into silence. Mindy becomes a prominent voice advocating for the comet's commercial opportunities and begins an affair with Evantee. World opinion is divided among those who demand total destruction of the comet, those who decry unjustified alarmism and believe the mining of the comet will create jobs, and those who deny that the comet even exists.

Dibiasky returns home to Illinois and begins a relationship with Yule. Mindy's wife, June, discovers his infidelity, and he becomes angry, voicing his frustrations on live television, launching into a rant criticizing Orlean's administration for downplaying the impending apocalypse and questioning humanity's indifference. Cut off by Orlean's administration, Mindy reconciles with Kate as the comet becomes visible from Earth. As Mindy, Dibiasky and Oglethorpe organize a protest campaign on social media against Orlean and BASH telling people to "Just Look Up" and calling on other countries to conduct operations of their own to deflect the comet, Orlean's administration launches an opposing campaign, "Don't Look Up".

When Orlean cuts out China, India and Russia from the comet mining deal, the three countries conduct a joint attempt of their own to deflect the comet, but their spacecraft explodes at launch. BASH's attempt at breaking the comet apart also goes awry and fails, leading to Isherwell, Orlean and other wealthy people fleeing Earth on a spaceship designed to keep its passengers alive cryogenically while it seeks the nearest Earth-like planet. Orlean offers Mindy two places on the ship, but he declines, choosing to spend his last moments in the company of his family, Dibiasky, Yule, and Oglethorpe. The evacuees inadvertently leave Jason behind. The comet hits the planet, killing the majority of the population of Earth.

22,740 years later, the people who left Earth before the impact land on a lush alien planet, ending their cryogenic sleep. They exit their spacecraft nude and mostly empty-handed. Orlean is quickly killed and eaten by an alien creature called a Bronteroc, while more Bronterocs approach the humans, presumably killing them offscreen. A post credits scene shows Jason posting on social media after emerging from the rubble alone.

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密歇根州立大學 天文學 博士生凱特·迪比亞斯基 (Kate Dibiasky)使用斯巴魯望遠鏡工作,發現了一個以前未知的近地天體她的教授蘭德爾·明迪 (Randall Mindy) 博士計算出這顆彗星將在大約 6 個月內撞擊地球,並且其大到足以導致全球範圍內的滅絕事件美國宇航局內部證實了明迪的計算。在 NASA行星防禦協調辦公室負責人 Teddy Oglethorpe 博士的陪同下,Dibiasky 和 ​​Mindy 向白宮展示了他們的發現,但遭到總統珍妮奧爾良及其兒子參謀長的冷漠傑森奧爾良。Oglethorpe 敦促 Dibiasky 和 ​​Mindy 將消息洩露給媒體,他們是在Brie Evantee 和 Jack Bremmer 主持早間脫口秀節目中這樣做的當主持人不認真對待威脅時,Dibiasky 會失去冷靜並對威脅大喊大叫,引發了廣泛的網上嘲諷。Dibiasky 的男朋友公開譴責她,而 Mindy 得到了公眾的認可。關於彗星威脅的實際消息很少受到公眾的關注。此外,奧爾良的美國宇航局局長公開否認彗星的威脅,奧爾良的最大捐助者沒有天文學背景。

當奧爾良捲入性醜聞時,她通過確認彗星的威脅並宣布發射可以使用核武器攻擊和轉移彗星航天器的項目來轉移注意力並提高她的支持率航天器成功發射,但當 BASH 的億萬富翁首席執行官兼奧爾良的另一位頂級捐助者彼得·伊舍韋爾發現這顆彗星由價值數万億美元的稀土元素組成時,它被迫返回白宮同意使用 BASH諾貝爾獎獲得者提出的未經過學術同行評審的新技術,通過將彗星破碎並從海洋中回收來對其進行商業開發白宮讓 Dibiasky 和 ​​Oglethorpe 置身事外,同時聘請明迪擔任國家科學顧問迪比亞斯基透露了政府讓彗星撞擊地球的計劃,這在全球引發了騷亂。奧爾良政府威脅迪比亞斯基沉默。Mindy 成為倡導彗星商業機會的重要聲音,並開始與 Evantee 有染。世界輿論分為要求徹底摧毀彗星的人,譴責不合理的危言聳聽並相信彗星的採礦會創造就業機會的人,以及否認彗星甚至存在的人。

迪比亞斯基回到伊利諾伊州的家,並開始與尤爾建立關係。明迪的妻子瓊發現了他的不忠,他變得憤怒,在電視直播中表達了他的不滿,並開始咆哮,批評奧爾良政府淡化即將到來的世界末日並質疑人類的冷漠。被奧爾良政府切斷,明迪與凱特和解,因為這顆彗星從地球上變得可見。由於明迪、迪比亞斯基和奧格爾索普在社交媒體上組織了一場反對奧爾良和 BASH的抗議活動,告訴人們“抬頭看看”並呼籲其他國家採取自己的行動來偏轉彗星,奧爾良政府發起了一場反對運動,“唐不抬頭”。

當奧爾良將中國、印度和俄羅斯排除在彗星開採協議之外時,這三個國家聯合嘗試偏轉彗星,但他們的航天器在發射時爆炸了。BASH 將彗星分開的嘗試也出錯並失敗了,導致 Isherwell、Orlean 和其他富人乘坐宇宙飛船逃離地球,該飛船旨在在尋找最近的類地行星讓乘客在低溫下存活奧爾良為明迪提供了兩個在船上的位置,但他拒絕了,選擇在他的家人迪比亞斯基、尤爾和奧格爾索普的陪伴下度過最後的時光。撤離人員不經意間將傑森拋在了身後。彗星撞擊地球,殺死了地球上的大多數人口。

22,740 年後,在撞擊之前離開地球的人們降落在一個鬱鬱蔥蔥的外星球上,結束了他們的低溫睡眠。他們赤身裸體地離開了他們的航天器,而且大多是兩手空空。Orlean 很快被一種叫做 Bronteroc外星生物殺死並吃掉,而更多的 Bronterocs 接近人類,大概是在屏幕外殺死他們。一個發布信用場景顯示傑森獨自從瓦礫中走出來後在社交媒體上發帖。


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