萬一同學抄襲你的報告,被學校發現可能會被認定作弊,萬一同學拒絕修改 或讓老師找不到人,甚至咬定他是原創、是你抄襲,(記住,抄襲和繳交時間順序無關)這樣會說不清楚受到連累,而且協助同學作弊也是作弊,提醒同學務必留意。
The purpose of the exam is to make sure you understand the problems. It doesn't matter how you manage to understand the problems as long as you know the physics behind them.
The teaching assistant will check the answers first, and then I will grade them in detail. Please make sure to solve the problems by yourself and not duplicate or plagiarize the answers of other classmates to reduce the TA's workload.
After submitting the report, you can discuss it with your classmates, but do not share your report with them directly. You can also discuss or seek advice from classmates who have taken the course before, but you cannot ask for their answer sheets or directly copy their work.
If a classmate plagiarizes your report and the school discovers it, it may be considered cheating by the administration. If the classmate refuses to make changes as requested (or I cannot contact the classmate), or even worse, they insist that they are the original creator and that you plagiarized their answers (remember, plagiarism is not related to the submission time sequence), it will be difficult for you to explain and you may be implicated. Furthermore, assisting classmates in cheating is also considered cheating. Please be careful.
Please also check the survey form after going thru the exam problems.