
民主自由最大的威脅竟然是 是非不分的假言論自由
電影「政治風暴 congressman」,曾為國犧牲奉獻的越戰老兵、資深國會議員查理 Charlie Winship,在議會開會前的例行效忠宣誓儀式時,翹著二郎腿坐在椅子上、拒絕豪無意義的儀式。
電台記者Virginia Doolittle(編劇、好一個諷刺的姓名)隨後編造訪談錄影,宣稱查理面對挑戰胡言亂語,最後畫面停留在查理的納粹手勢,宣稱查理認為學童可以學納粹的舉手禮宣誓。
先前在國會籃球聯誼賽時,小動作衝撞查理,被盛怒下的查理打斷鼻樑的道德委員會主席John Randolph,看到污衊的報導就趁機向記者表示,查理的行為所有人都無法忍受,他會馬上提出控訴,把查理趕出國會。
電影情節逼真反應自由民主制度面臨的危機與挑戰,民主自由最大的威脅竟然是 是非不分的假言論自由。



Referring to a scene in the movie "The Congressman" where Congressman Charlie Winship refers to the physical gesture of the Pledge of Allegiance as the "Bellamy salute."

The Bellamy salute was the original form of the Pledge of Allegiance's gesture. It was created by Francis Bellamy in 1892, and it involved extending the right arm forward, palm up, towards the flag. The hand was then brought to the forehead in a military-style salute.

However, the Bellamy salute fell out of favor due to its similarity to the Nazi salute, and in 1942, Congress officially adopted the hand-over-heart gesture as the official gesture for the Pledge of Allegiance.

So in the movie, when Congressman Winship used the term "Bellamy salute," he was referring to the original gesture of the Pledge of Allegiance, which was later changed to the hand-over-heart gesture.

In the movie "The Congressman," TV reporter Virginia Doolittle manipulates Congressman Charlie Winship's response to the reason why he refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance.

Charlie Winship explained that the Pledge of Allegiance was written by Francis Bellamy in 1892 as part of a marketing campaign to sell American flags to schools. He also noted that the words "under God" were added to the pledge in 1954 during the height of the Cold War as a way to differentiate the United States from godless communism.

Winship also expressed his belief that reciting the Pledge of Allegiance without thinking about the words was disrespectful, and that it was important to truly understand and appreciate the meaning of the pledge in order to show proper respect for it. This is the reason why he chose not to recite the

Winship explains that he chose not to say the Pledge of Allegiance because he believed that reciting it without thinking about the words was disrespectful. He wanted to show his respect for the pledge by not saying it at all rather than saying it by rote.

He also teasing the Bellamy pledge comes withe Bellamy salute that was changed later due to its similarity to the Nazi salute. Winship demonstrated the Bellamy salute in public.

However, TV reporter Virginia Doolittle twisted his words and made it seem like he was disrespecting the flag and the country. She also twisted the explanation by claiming Winship wanted all school children to salute in Nazi salute when they say the pledge of allegiance.

She selectively edited his explanation to make it sound like he refused to say the pledge because he was unpatriotic and didn't believe in America.

This manipulation of his words by the media caused a public outcry, and Congressman Winship was criticized for being un-American. This highlights the power that the media can have in shaping public opinion, and the importance of responsible reporting that presents a fair and accurate portrayal of events.

Congressman John Randolph, the chairman of the House Ethics Committee, is shown to be critical of Charlie Winship's decision not to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. After seeing a TV report on the controversy, Congressman Randolph decides to take action and announces that he will launch an ethics investigation against Winship.