天文學概論 課程綱要created by ChatGPT




  1. 瞭解天文學的基本概念與發展歷史。

  2. 掌握天文觀測技術、資料處理與分析方法。

  3. 理解太陽系內各種天體的性質、結構與演化過程。

  4. 探究恆星的演化過程,理解不同類型恆星的性質。

  5. 了解星系的結構與演化,瞭解星系間的相互作用。

  6. 瞭解宇宙學的基本概念,包括宇宙膨脹、宇宙微波背景輻射等。

  7. 能夠理解人類對宇宙的瞭解對生活和科學發展的重要性。



  • 天文學概論
  • 天文學的歷史發展


  • 天文觀測技術
  • 天文資料處理與分析方法


  • 行星系統
  • 彗星、小行星與流星


  • 恆星的基本性質
  • 恆星的演化過程


  • 白矮星、中子星與黑洞
  • 恆星的生命週期


  • 星系的分類
  • 星系的結構與演化


  • 星系碰撞
  • 星系合併


  • 宇宙的概念
  • 宇宙膨脹與宇宙微波背景輻射


  • 宇宙的大尺度結構
  • 星系團與超星系團


  • 暗物質的概念與觀測證據
  • 暗能量的概念與觀測證據


  • 宇宙大爆炸理論
  • 宇宙的終局:熱寂假說


  • 天文學對人類的影響
  • 未來天文學的發展






  • 《天文學導論》,作者:張達明、葉廷芳,出版社:五南圖書出版股份有限公司。
  • 《天文學概論》,作者:Sean Carroll、Michael Villata,出版社:高等教育出版社。
  • 《宇宙:一部簡史》,作者:史蒂芬·霍金,出版社:世界圖書出版公司。

Design a syllabus for an Introduction to Astronomy course.

Course Description:

This course is an introduction to the study of astronomy, which will cover topics including the celestial sphere, the solar system, stars, galaxies, the structure and evolution of the universe, dark matter, dark energy, the origin and fate of the universe, and the impact of astronomy on humanity.

Week 1: Introduction to Astronomy

  • Astronomy as a science
  • Historical development of astronomy
  • The scientific method

Week 2: The Celestial Sphere

  • Earth's rotation and its effects
  • The celestial coordinate system
  • The motion of the Sun, Moon, and stars

Week 3: The Solar System

  • Formation of the solar system
  • The properties of planets
  • The exploration of the solar system

Week 4: Light and Telescopes

  • The nature of light
  • The properties of telescopes
  • Observational techniques

Week 5: Stars

  • Properties of stars
  • Stellar evolution
  • Star clusters and binary stars

Week 6: The Milky Way Galaxy

  • Structure of the Milky Way
  • The central bulge and black hole
  • Spiral arms and interstellar medium

Week 7: Galaxies

  • Types of galaxies
  • Galactic evolution
  • Active galactic nuclei

Week 8: Cosmology

  • The expanding universe
  • The Big Bang theory
  • Cosmic microwave background radiation

Week 9: The Structure and Evolution of the Universe

  • Large-scale structure of the universe
  • Galaxy clusters and superclusters

Week 10: Dark Matter and Dark Energy

  • The concept of dark matter and observational evidence
  • The concept of dark energy and observational evidence

Week 11: The Origin and Fate of the Universe

  • The Big Bang theory
  • The fate of the universe: the heat death hypothesis

Week 12: Astronomy and Humanity

  • The impact of astronomy on humanity
  • The future of astronomy

Teaching Methods:

This course will use lecture, slide presentation, field observations, experimental demonstrations, and group discussions as teaching methods. Students will have the opportunity to participate in astronomical observations and learn observational techniques.


Assessment methods will include group presentations, individual reports, and midterm and final exams. Group and individual reports may take the form of experimental, observational, or research reports, while the midterm and final exams will comprehensively assess students' mastery of the course content.

Reference Texts:

  • Introduction to Astronomy, by Zhang Daming and Ye Tingfang, published by Wunan Book Publishing Co., Ltd.
  • An Introduction to Astronomy, by Sean Carroll and Michael Villata, published by Higher Education Press.
  • A Brief History of Time, by Stephen Hawking, published by Bantam Books.

Course Description:

This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of astronomy. Topics will include the history of astronomy, the structure of the universe, the solar system, stars, and galaxies.

Week 1: Introduction to Astronomy

  • The scientific method
  • History of astronomy
  • The electromagnetic spectrum

Week 2: Astronomy Tools and Techniques

  • Observations and measurements
  • Telescopes and detectors
  • Spectroscopy and imaging

Week 3: Our Solar System

  • The Sun and its properties
  • Planetary orbits and Kepler's laws
  • Terrestrial and Jovian planets

Week 4: The Moon and Planetary Satellites

  • Phases of the Moon
  • Lunar features and history
  • The moons of Jupiter, Saturn, and other planets

Week 5: Stars and Stellar Evolution

  • Properties of stars
  • The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
  • Star formation and evolution

Week 6: Galaxies and Cosmology

  • Types of galaxies
  • Galactic structure and dynamics
  • Dark matter and dark energy
  • The expanding universe and the Big Bang theory

Week 7: Exoplanets

  • Discovering exoplanets
  • Properties of exoplanets
  • The search for habitable planets

Week 8: Life in the Universe

  • The search for extraterrestrial life
  • The Drake equation
  • The Fermi paradox

Week 9: Black Holes and Gravitational Waves

  • Properties of black holes
  • Gravitational waves and their detection
  • The impact of black holes on galaxy evolution

Week 10: Astrobiology

  • The study of life in the universe
  • The origin of life on Earth
  • The search for life beyond Earth

Teaching Methods:

This course will use a combination of lecture, classroom discussion, and hands-on activities. Students will participate in observing sessions and use telescopes and detectors to collect data. They will also work on group projects and present their findings to the class.


Assessment methods will include exams, quizzes, homework assignments, and group projects. Students will be evaluated on their understanding of course materials, their ability to analyze data, and their communication skills.

Reference Texts:

  • "Universe: The Definitive Visual Guide" by Robert Dinwiddie, Philip Eales, David Hughes, Ian Ridpath, Giles Sparrow, Carole Stott, and Kevin Tildsley
  • "Astronomy Today" by Eric Chaisson and Steve McMillan
  • "Astrophysics for People in a Hurry" by Neil deGrasse Tyson

氦的發現與回收 氦是 1868 年天文學家觀測日食時的太陽光譜線時,意外發現的新元素,以太陽神 Helios 命名為 Helium ,也能突顯氦元素發現的曲折歷史。 氦元素質量比大氣主要氣體分子氮和氧輕很多,只要從石油或岩層溢出,就能輕易的飄到地球大氣層上方。雖然只有少數地表...