The aim of the class on cosmology

Created by ChatGPT and revised by captain G.

Cosmology is the study of the origins, evolution, and structure of the universe as a whole. 

A wide range of topics, the Big Bang theory, the formation and evolution of galaxies, the nature of dark matter and dark energy, and the ultimate fate of the universe, is included.

Cosmologists use a variety of observational and theoretical tools to study these questions, including observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation, the distribution of galaxies, and the large-scale structure of the universe, as well as numerical simulations and analytical models. 

The goal of cosmology is to understand the history, composition, and future of the universe and the physical laws that govern its behavior.

We will only cover quite a few of these topics, ending at the abundance ratio of hydrogen to helium.

The abundance ratio of hydrogen to helium is an important aspect of cosmology. It provides insight into the conditions and processes that occurred in the early universe, as well as information about the evolution of stars and galaxies. 

Hydrogen and helium were the first two elements to form in the universe, shortly after the Big Bang. The abundance ratio of these two elements can be determined through observations of the spectra of stars and gas clouds, and it is found to be roughly 75% hydrogen and 25% helium by mass. This is equivalent to the abundance ratio 7 to one of proton to neutron.

This ratio is important for understanding the processes that occurred in the early universe, such as the formation of the first stars and galaxies, as well as the evolution of stars over time.

The term "Big Bang" was coined by the British astronomer Fred Hoyle, during a BBC radio broadcast in 1949. Hoyle intended the term to be a mocking nickname for the theory, which was then known as the "expanding universe" theory. However, the name "Big Bang" soon became popular and was adopted as the standard term for the theory, despite Hoyle's intended sarcasm. 

Today, the Big Bang model is widely accepted as the best theory for the origin and evolution of the universe and is considered one of the greatest scientific achievements of the 20th century.

Google 翻譯,Captain G 修改







大爆炸後數分鐘內,氫和氦是宇宙中最早形成的兩種元素。目前這兩種元素的豐度比可以利用觀察恆星和氣體雲的光譜來確定,按質量計算大約是氫的 75% 和氦的 25%,相當於質子與中子的豐度比 7 比 1。




英國天文學家弗雷德·霍伊爾 (Fred Hoyle) 在 1949 年,在 BBC 電台廣播中,嘲諷該理論為“大霹靂”。


今天,大霹靂理論被認為是宇宙起源和演化的最佳模型,是 20 世紀最偉大的科學成就之一。

氦的發現與回收 氦是 1868 年天文學家觀測日食時的太陽光譜線時,意外發現的新元素,以太陽神 Helios 命名為 Helium ,也能突顯氦元素發現的曲折歷史。 氦元素質量比大氣主要氣體分子氮和氧輕很多,只要從石油或岩層溢出,就能輕易的飄到地球大氣層上方。雖然只有少數地表...