和AI一起寫小說 自己改 自己看





下面是小說的片段,主角穿越時空去找在Bern的老愛,聊了好幾天(???),後來在瑞士伯恩街頭走走,居然走到(我要求的劇情片段)波士頓的Museum of fine art。





Finally, the machine slowed to a stop, and Frank found himself in the year 1905. He stumbled out of the machine, his head swimming, and looked around in wonder. He had done it - he had traveled back in time.

Chapter 2: The Meeting with Einstein

Frank spent the first few hours exploring the streets of 1905 Bern, Switzerland, feeling like a time traveler in a foreign land. But he knew he had to make the most of his time there, so he set off to find the man who had inspired his entire career - Albert Einstein.

It didn't take long for Frank to locate Einstein's office, a small room in a nondescript building in the heart of the city. He knocked on the door, his heart racing with excitement.

A moment later, the door opened, and there stood Einstein himself. Frank was struck by how small the man was, but there was a fire in his eyes that belied his physical stature.

"Einstein," Frank said, his voice shaking with excitement. "I'm from the future. I've come to ask you some questions about your theories."

Einstein looked at Frank in amazement. "The future?" he said, a smile spreading across his face. "I never thought such a thing was possible."

For the next several hours, Frank and Einstein talked about the mysteries of the universe, the nature of time and space, and the fundamental laws of physics. Frank felt like a kid in a candy store, listening to one of the greatest minds in history share his insights.

But as the day wore on, Frank's thoughts turned to the people he had left behind. He wondered how Teresa, his wife, was doing. And he thought about Nancy, the woman he had met in 1885, and wondered if he might be able to find her again.

Chapter 3: The Meeting with Nancy

Frank's thoughts were soon answered, for as he left Einstein's office and wandered through the streets of Bern, he suddenly found himself in front of a familiar building - the Museum of Fine Art in Boston.


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