
 一日為師 終身為父 
a teacher is conformally equivalent to a father

   K.L. Chang, Professor, Taiwan Univ. (my master thesis advisor, 1983) 
 Howard J. Schnitzer,Professor, Brandeis University (my doctoral advisor, 1987)

people listed above are my thesis advisors 

W.F. Kao, 1983 M.S.; 1987  Ph.D.  people listed below are my Gravitation family members

🎵Universe is a place to better ourselves and the rest of humanity.🎵
🎵We do not make money, we make everybody very very happy.🎵

   Ue-Li Pen,1991 M.S.  (Canadian Institute for Theorectical Astrophsics, Toronto, Professor) 
Pin Han,  1991  M.S. (Inst. of Precision Engineering, Chung Hsin Univ. Professor)

Shang-Yung Wang,  1993   M.S. (Tan-Kang University, Associate Professor) 
Wan-Bang Dai,  1993   M.S.

Chih-Ming Lai,  1994, M.S.  (Ind. Tech. Res. Inst.,  Research Fellow) 

J.Y. Hwang,  1996   M.S.  (Chu Hua University, Associate Professor) 
M.S. Luo,  1996   M.S. 
W.H. Hwang,  1996   M.S. (CS, CMD) 
T.S. Lin,  1996   M.S.

R.T. Yu,  1998  M.S. (Nan-Kang high school teacher)

Shih-Yuin Lin,  1999  Ph.D. (Changhua Univ. of Education, Professor)
M.C. Wu,   1999- , M.S. (Industry)

 Tzuu-Kang Chyi,  2000, Ph.D. (Soochow University, Assistant Professor)

S.H. Hsu,  2003, M.S. (Industry)

C.B. Chen,  陳 正彬, 2004, M.S.
鐘旻峰, 2004, M.S.

 Yu-Chen Hsieh,  謝玉真, 2005, M.S. (Taipei Minghu Junior High School Teacher)
Wei-Shuen Chen,  
陳偉軒, 2005, M.S.

 Ray-Jen Wang,  王瑞仁, 2006, M.S.
Ming-Chih Hu,  
胡明志, 2006, M.S.
Hsiang-Rei Hwang,  
黃翔瑞, 2006, M.S. 

 Shen-Lan Ko,  柯勝藍,  2007, M.S. (CTU, IOP. PhD program)
Chin-Rung Lin,  
林勤倫, 2007, M.S.
Juin-Ruey Lin,  
林君睿, 2007, M.S.
Hung-Yih Chung,  
鐘弘毅, 2007, M.S. (TU, PhD program)
Mark Kao,  
高孟聰,  2007, M.S.

  Chin-Yao Yang,  楊青窈 2008 (M.S. Nanguo elementary school)
Yuh-Jen Lai,  
賴祐仁, 2008, M.S.  (CTU, IOP, Ph.D. program)
Ing-Chen Lin,  
林英程,  2008, M.S.

 Yuh-Bin Hsu,  許煜彬, 2009, (M.S.)

胡理策, 2010, (MS)
黃宣翰,  2010, (MS)
Y.C. Chang,  
張育誠, 2010, (MS)
陳俊憲,  2010, (MS)
Brian Lee,  
李傳睿, 2010, (MS)
Arthur Chiu,  
邱韋嵐,  2010, (MS) 

袁珮閎, 2011, (MS)

王仁宏,  2012, (MS)

吳繼堯 (2013)  (Master)

Chia-Ming Chang, 張家銘, 2015, (Ph.D.) 

Tuan Quoc Do,  杜國俊, 2015, (Ph.D.)

Ing-Chen Lin, 林英程,  (2017) (Ph.D.)

黃子豪  (2017)  (Master)
林鈺城  (2017) (Master)

張恩瑞   2013-2014
謝承運  2014-2015
邱禹埕  孫士晏  陳允中  謝秉翰 2016-2017

黃玉芬  (2021 master)

陳冠易(2021 master)

蔡承志(2023 master)

吳宜軒(2024 master)




